
January, 2021

A Sports Essay: MASK CATASTROPHE                                                                     

In the next few weeks, major news will be breaking concerning Dr. Anthony Fauci of  President Trump’s and President Biden’s National Coronavirus Task Force. When I was writing for a Sports Blog earlier last year, I did extensive research on the current pandemic and Dr. Fauci. Much of what you will be finding out in the next few weeks, I already reported on and wrote about in April and May of 2020.


I am now republishing those columns. I have left the links in the article that attach to the backup information relied on for the columns.   Researching and connecting the dots  took several weeks to compile.


I will republish the second column at a later date.

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The Anarchist Mission: Divide America. Destroy Her Legacy. Suspend OUR Liberties.


By Louis M. Manzo   January 11, 2021


Elected leaders are tripping over themselves. Desperately attempting to get facetime before any television camera to condemn political violence. Then they call for unity. How novel a thought. They really care.


Condemning the violence is easy. But what will they actually do about it?

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While You Were Sleeping

Worst Congress Ever Tacks Insult onto Injury…


By Louis M. Manzo   January 2, 2021




Happy New Year, America. The COVID-19 Omnibus Bill has passed Congress.

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