In the next few weeks, major news will be breaking concerning Dr. Anthony Fauci of President Trump’s and President Biden’s National Coronavirus Task Force. When I was writing for a Sports Blog earlier last year, I did extensive research on the current pandemic and Dr. Fauci. Much of what you will be finding out in the next few weeks, I already reported on and wrote about in April and May of 2020.
I am now republishing those columns. I have left the links in the article that attach to the backup information relied on for the columns. Researching and connecting the dots took several weeks to compile.
I will republish the second column at a later date.
……Fauci Takes Aim at Fall Sports Season
Ethically Challenged Doctor Continues to Stir Fears for Profit
By Louis Michael Manzo
May 20, 2020
“The idea of having treatments available, or a vaccination, to facilitate the reentry of students into the fall term would be something that would be a bit of a bridge too far.” . —Doctor Anthony Fauci
The star of the President’s National Coronavirus Task Force, Doctor Anthony Fauci, struck again. This time, testifying before the United States Senate Health Committee. The eternal pessimist, who routinely sees a half-filled glass as empty, warned against the country returning to normal too soon. According to Fauci, not without the safeguard of a vaccine for COVID-19. He also warned that any treatment or vaccine to facilitate the start of school in the fall was doubtful.
Fauci’s words could pretty much kayo NCAA and other college fall sports programs. Such action, for sure, will trickle down to high school and youth league sports programs. Los Angeles put a stop to professional sporting events indefinitely [the California Governor made indications he might overrule the policy], other cities and States may follow suite. Sports teams in certain States may be barred from playing games in their home stadiums or arenas, or without fans in attendance. Leagues that were looking to resume play now have to navigate thru a series of new obstacles.
Despite the doom and gloom Doctor’s testimony; the UFC, NASCAR, and the PGA have liberated their sport and began to resume action. MLB has plans to launch a half season—if they can agree to a pay scale with the Player’s Association. The NFL hasn’t skipped a beat, ignoring Fauci and plodding along. There are hints of the NBA proposing an expanded playoff picture—a combination NCAA type tournament merged with the league’s typical playoff structure, if they come back.
The NHL is toying with expanding their postseason to 24 teams, and only bringing back those playoff teams—six per division. Each Division would have one arena as a home base where all games would take place. As of now, any plans of the league’s immediate return to play still remain on ice—they keep pucking around.
Sports fans who are itching for action, would be well be advised to check out the virtual playoffs of their favorite sports. The events were conducted by Sports Palace Blogs and remain in the site’s archive. They’re pretty entertaining. Doctor Fauci holds no sway over Sports Palace Blogs. And, you can enjoy reading about the virtual playoffs without a mask. Take that, Doctor Fauci.
But Fauci has awesome clout when it comes to pandemics. Many take this modern-day Grim Reaper’s word as Gospel—carrying weight with far too many. But the next time Fauci predicts something right, will be the first time. As I wrote in the last blog, aside from his conflicts of interest which we exposed, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease [NIAID], turned out to be pretty much a toothless watchdog. Fauci lulled the country into a false sense of security during COVID-19’s initial onset.
While cases of the pandemic began erupting in China and Italy, the suave Fauci was telling the country that it was “nothing to worry about;” that “the danger of getting coronavirus now is just minusculely low;” and that Americans “wouldn’t have to change their lifestyles” because of the influenza.
Within a matter of weeks, with America’s guard down, Fauci switched gears and told congress that COVID-19 was nothing to take lightly— “ten times more lethal than the seasonal flu.” The statement was reckless. With the onset of the virus in its early stages, it was impossible for any public health official to make such a declaration. The comment caused pandemic panic to spread like wildfire. Elected officials began implementing emergency powers and directing measures that were not based in science, putting many people in harm’s way.
In New York and New Jersey, officials ordered COVID-19 diagnosed patients shipped back into nursing homes, causing massive fatalities. A serial killer couldn’t have dispatched more victims. Elected officials who limited the hours of operation for supermarkets, created mob scenes in the stores. Without social distancing practices yet in place, the stores were the perfect incubators for the virus. Within 14 to 21 days [the incubation period for the virus] of Fauci’s statements, the virus spiked in its epicenter—the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area.
In the critical days of COVID-19’s onset, it was obvious that Fauci had a touch of amnesia. Just a few years ago, he was certain a pandemic would occur. “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” he said, delivering remarks at Georgetown University Medical Center, just days before the January 20, 2017 Presidential Inauguration.
What might have taken Fauci by surprise, giving him a great deal of pause, was evidence indicating that COVID-19 was emanating from China’s Wuhan Province. The news probably sent a chill down the good doctor’s spine. Though the initial spin was blaming the infamous wet markets as the source of the virus—they gave launch to other influenzas and coronaviruses—Fauci’s thoughts might have been drawn to the Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV]. That’s where one of Fauci’s dirty little secrets remained hidden. …Not for long.
Back in 2014, Fauci was conducting research studies and experiments involving ‘gain of function’ techniques. In a nutshell, the research involves enhancing the veracity of viruses such as MERS, SARS, and EBOLA; enabling their capabilities to jump species—from one animal class to another, and then to human. Count me in, if you first thought after reading this is “Why on God’s good earth would such research be conducted?”
Apparently, others in the scientific community felt the same way—“Critics say these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic,” the New York Times reported. More than 200 scientists endorsed the position that, “Laboratory creation of highly transmissible, novel strains of dangerous viruses…poses substantially increased risk…an accidental infection in such a setting could trigger outbreaks that would be difficult or impossible to control. Historically, new strains of influenza, once they establish transmission in the human population, have infected a quarter or more of the world’s population within two years.”
Fauci argued against his peers. “Determining the molecular Achilles’ heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk, or to better treat those who become infected,” he rebutted, determined to defend the questionable research.
But the scientific communities’ warnings did not fall on deaf ears—in 2014, the Obama administration put the studies on ice. The head of Fauci’s parent agency, NIH Director Francis S. Collins, put a moratorium on 21 such studies. But the talented Doctor Fauci would not be deterred. Doctor Frankenstein did an end-run and moved the experiments out of the United States to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Why? Unknown…perhaps the Island of Doctor Moreau was booked up solid that weekend.
When the United States Embassy in Beijing got wind of the US involvement in WIV, they immediately warned the homeland. In cables obtained by the Washington Post, the embassy officials pointed out potential problems with the Wuhan lab. “During interactions with scientists at the WIV laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.”
The WIV studies consisted of two parts. The first part began in 2014 and funded the surveillance of bat coronaviruses.. The program funded Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the Wuhan lab, and other researchers to investigate and catalogue bat coronaviruses in the wild. A second phase of the project included ‘gain-of-function’ research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The study found new strains of coronavirus transmitted by bats. Fauci’s “It’s alive! It’s alive!” moment.
The NIH suddenly cancelled Fauci’s second phase project on April 24th of this year. No explanation has been given as to why.
The WIV has fallen under suspicion as one of the potential sources responsible for launching the current pandemic. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made comments that he had seen [foreign] intelligence reports indicating that the laboratory was the cause of the pandemic. Those statements might have come before Pompeo became aware of the United States’ potential exposure in the matter—it would make the US funded projects in the lab look like the main culprit responsible for COVID-19, not China. Pompeo has since backed off his accusation. Of course, he might not have a choice—after blasting China’s missteps as the cause of the pandemic, how ironic would it be if Fauci’s mad-science experiments actually were the trigger for the coronavirus outbreak.
The investigation for what launched the pandemic, or at least who to blame it on, continues.
No sweat, YET, for Fauci; who persists spinning his doom and gloom. Fauci promotes the notion that a vaccine is the only hope. He proclaims that the vaccine is the key to opening our country back up—the America that his strategies have taken hostage. Not only does Fauci’s fear-laced proclamations keep us under lockdown, but they continue to gin up the cost and profit for a vaccine, if and when one arrives.
A vaccine would suite Fauci fine. According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Fauci holds patents that would enhance the delivery of any coronavirus vaccine. That would make substantial royalties for Fauci and the NIAID. Last time, I wrote and exposed Fauci’s conflicts. I predicted that one of the vaccines selected for use by Fauci and his cohorts—CDC Director Robert R. Redfield and Coronavirus Task Force Leader Doctor Deborah Birx—would be tied to Bill Gates, a financial benefactor of the trio. Lo and behold, that prediction just came true—Moderna Inc. appears to have the inside track for vaccine approval. Gates is leveraged heavily into Moderna.
Meanwhile, America impatiently awaits returning to normal…if it ever can, after all the self-inflicted financial wounds the country has suffered. In some States, fellow American’s are taking charge—resisting martial law [callout indefinite stay-at-home orders and lockdowns for what they are] with acts of civil disobedience. The Fascist edicts of several Governors have been knocked down by numerous courts—ruled as unconstitutional as those elected leaders are unpatriotic. The ‘Spirit of ’76’ is still alive and kicking.
As a former public health official, and a kid who lived through the much worse Hong Kong flu pandemic of 1968 and ’69; to me, this particular pandemic stinks to the high heavens. Something about the nature of COVID-19, along with the bizarre strategies to handle it, does not sit right with me. I’m filled with the premonition and gut feeling you get when you know something is wrong—the feeling that usually proves to be right.
COVID-19 is a ‘mask’ catastrophe of epic proportions. Like a dog on a bone, I ain’t letting go!
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