

A Sports Essay: MASK CATASTROPHE                                                                     

In the next few weeks, major news will be breaking concerning Dr. Anthony Fauci of  President Trump’s and President Biden’s National Coronavirus Task Force. When I was writing for a Sports Blog earlier last year, I did extensive research on the current pandemic and Dr. Fauci. Much of what you will be finding out in the next few weeks, I already reported on and wrote about in April and May of 2020.


I am now republishing those columns. I have left the links in the article that attach to the backup information relied on for the columns.   Researching and connecting the dots  took several weeks to compile.


I will republish the second column at a later date.

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The Anarchist Mission: Divide America. Destroy Her Legacy. Suspend OUR Liberties.


By Louis M. Manzo   January 11, 2021


Elected leaders are tripping over themselves. Desperately attempting to get facetime before any television camera to condemn political violence. Then they call for unity. How novel a thought. They really care.


Condemning the violence is easy. But what will they actually do about it?

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While You Were Sleeping

Worst Congress Ever Tacks Insult onto Injury…


By Louis M. Manzo   January 2, 2021




Happy New Year, America. The COVID-19 Omnibus Bill has passed Congress.

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The Gift of Christmas from One Solitary Writer

Peace on Earth. Goodwill to Men.”


By Louis M. Manzo   December 22, 2020


One of my favorite authors and columnists is and was the legendary Jim Bishop.


Bishop was born and raised in my good ol’ hometown of Jersey City, New Jersey.

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PREZ Election Legal Battle: Dominion Over All


By Louis M. Manzo   December 18, 2020


Dominion [dəˈmɪn·jən] definition: control over a country or people

—Cambridge Dictionary


“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

                              —Mr. Michael Steele, Dominion Voting Systems Spokesperson


“Don’t worry about the election. Trump is not going to win. I made f[**]king sure of that … Hahaha.”

—Dr. Eric Coomer, Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Director of Security for Dominion Voting Systems. In response to a question posed to him by an ANTIFA member: “What if Trump wins this … election?” [ANTIFA teleconference of September 20, 2020 in Denver, Colorado]


“… In my professional opinion, this affidavit presents unambiguous evidence that Dominion Voter Systems and Edison Research have been accessible and were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China. By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, these organizations neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020.

—Electronic Intelligence Analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.

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PREZ Election Legal Battle: Paging Atticus Finch

By Louis Michael Manzo   December 11, 2020


“There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads—they couldn’t be fair if they tried.”    


—Atticus Finch


As one of the most monumental Constitutional issues in our country’s history landed on the doorstep of the Supreme Court of the United States [SCOTUS], the Court took all of about 40 minutes to dismiss it. The Court’s Holiday Season Party will take longer to dispense. No opinion accompanied their ruling. (more…)


PREZ Election Legal Battle: Desecrating the Sacrifice of the Fallen

By Louis M. Manzo   December 5, 2020


“The [Americans] will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

                                           ― Vladimir Lenin


Georgia’s on my mind.

This past week, the nation was rocked by the ugly incident caught on the security cameras in Georgia’s Staples Center on election night. State of Georgia election workers defrauding millions of fellow Georgians by disenfranchising their votes. In effect, disenfranchising everyone who cast a legal ballot in this year’s Presidential election.

In the days to come, we’ll learn that Georgia wasn’t alone. These crimes were perpetrated elsewhere—in at least 5 other swing States. (more…)



United States Attorney General William Barr cemented his legacy this past Tuesday.

In light of overwhelming evidence that neither he, nor his DOJ, acknowledged they ever investigated, Barr said, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the Associated Press. Election fraud on a grand scale? (more…)


Prez Election Legal Battle: Who’s on First?

By Louis M. Manzo   November 30, 2020

The Thanksgiving week break provided a good time for the President’s legal team to get their act together. But instead, things got worse. They handed a turkey over to a Federal District Court Judge—it was their pleadings.



Prez Election Legal Battle: Unmasking Kraken

By Louis M. Manzo November 28, 2020

It took me a while to put pen to paper before writing this column. Mainly because the reaction to this content will be skepticism. I cannot fault anyone for such reaction. The narrative here reads more like a John Clancy novel or the script from an Oliver Stone film.

