PREZ Election Legal Battle: Dominion Over All
By Louis M. Manzo December 18, 2020
Dominion [dəˈmɪn·jən] definition: control over a country or people
—Cambridge Dictionary
“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”
—Mr. Michael Steele, Dominion Voting Systems Spokesperson
“Don’t worry about the election. Trump is not going to win. I made f[**]king sure of that … Hahaha.”
—Dr. Eric Coomer, Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Director of Security for Dominion Voting Systems. In response to a question posed to him by an ANTIFA member: “What if Trump wins this … election?” [ANTIFA teleconference of September 20, 2020 in Denver, Colorado]
“… In my professional opinion, this affidavit presents unambiguous evidence that Dominion Voter Systems and Edison Research have been accessible and were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China. By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, these organizations neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020.
—Electronic Intelligence Analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.
How I love irony.
In a Presidential election in which Dominion Voting Systems are being accused of robbing millions of votes from the American people, they put out their alibi through a spokesperson named, “Mr. Steele.”
You can’t make it up.
At the eye of the 2020 election fraud storm are a myriad of companies whose voting systems tabulate election ballots across 2000 voting jurisdictions in 30 states—Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic, Sequoia Voting Systems. The companies have played footsies with each other since expanding across the Country—contracting interchangeable software and programs from each other. Selling off their assets—to each other and to other foreign actors.
Dominion is the ugly head of this conglomerate—buying out Sequoia and using the Smartmatic software programs for their voting systems. Of course, they play a shell game, hiding from public view their ownerships. Congress has been trying to get to the bottom of it for years, and they haven’t yet.
Evidence of this game of charades was once posted on the Dominion website: “The acquisition of Sequoia’s assets is another important milestone in Dominion’s efforts to provide election officials in every region of the United States the widest array of comprehensive and innovative options when it comes to election solutions” said John Poulos, CEO of Dominion. “For several years, Sequoia and Dominion worked in close partnership.”
That post has since been deleted from Dominion’s website, along with most else explaining about the company’s mysterious past. Mr. Steele dutifully explains away the disappearance of Dominion’s information, along with that of most of their employees, as “security measures.” The closing of numerous Dominion offices throughout the United States are also “security measures.”
Mr. Steele is as smooth as silk. He’s a RINO who has worked for prominent Republican officeholders with common interests—they all hated President Trump: Senior Advisor for Policy and Communications for the Governor Jeb Bush Presidential Campaign. Press Secretary for Speaker of the House John Boehner. Press Secretary for 2012 Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan.
Grinding his axe, Mr. Steele and Dominion will gladly speak to any mainstream news media—a friendly audience. Where they have been reluctant to speak is before State Legislature Committee hearings—lawmakers trying to get to the bottom of the fraud their voting machines are accused of perpetrating. Mr. Steele and Dominion will not talk under oath. One day, they may have to. …It happened.…More on that later.
There is the name of another Dominion employee that always seems to get stuck in Mr. Steele’s throat, one who has suddenly disappeared into the shadows, Dominion’s Officer of Strategy and Director of Security—Dr. Eric Coomer. When Dr. Coomer finished his daytime gig of strategizing and securing for Dominion, he was allegedly moonlighting as an associate member of ANTIFA.
Unbeknownst to Dr. Coomer, when an investigative news blogger was able to infiltrate the anarchist group, he eavesdropped on the Dominion Director of Security reassuring the association of America haters that he had made sure Trump would not win the 2020 November election.
This same witness described Coomer’s Facebook page as “disturbing.” Strewn with posts that were anti-American, anti-police, and anti-Trump. Coomer had also “reposted the ANTIFA ‘manifesto’ letter to Donald Trump.” Since the Dominion scandal evolved, Dr. Coomer’s social media presence has disappeared quicker than President Trump’s election lead on a Dominion voting machine.
An anti-Trump fact checker, Snopes, lists the charges alleged against Coomer as “unprovable.” I wouldn’t let Dr. Coomer lurk around garbage cans in my alley, much less a voting machine.
But Mr. Steele insists that there is nothing to see here. Dr. Coomer is a pillar of salt, so pay no attention to his alleged social media postings and the sworn affidavit depicting his ANTIFA interactions. He reminds anyone who will listen, Dominion is as pure as the driven snow.
Former United States Army Intelligence Officers disagree. They have evidence on just who is exploiting Dominion—the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]. These American Patriots support their claims in sworn affidavits backed up by forensic cyber examination evidence of election night internet traffic—tracing election result tabulations from Dominion’s voting systems, as they were passed through computer servers around the world. They were able to identify the servers and hostile actors who accessed Dominion’s system—namely China.
As a related matter, in a blockbuster Axios news report this past week, the Country learned that China’s Communist spies were willing to invest and bundle millions of dollars to secure the election of an absolute nobody, Eric Swalwell, to a position in the House of Representatives. In a sting executed by a Chinese national, Christine Fang, alias ‘Fang Fang,’ the scheme employed one of the oldest of old espionage ploys—the ‘Honeypot Trap.’
Swalwell went from City Councilman to Congressman in the blink of an eye. Bang, bang by Fang Fang.
A paid for dupe, Swalwell, soon placed China Communist operatives on his congressional staff.
The term ‘empty suite’ fits Swalwell to a tee. We now wait with baited breath for the explanation of how this novice member of congress, leapfrogged more experienced and seasoned of his legislative peers, then landed coveted positions on the House Judiciary and the House Intelligence committees.
Axios reports that Swalwell was not being charged with any crime. When confronted by law enforcement about Fang Fang’s ploy, he cooperated. Translation: law enforcement thought Swalwell was too stupid to be conspiring in the espionage plot. No word from Fang Fang as to whether or not the milquetoast Congressman lived up to her expectations in the ‘Honeypot’ side of the scheme.
The point of the Swalwell mess is this: in an attempt to take down America, there is no limit for the amount of money China is willing to expend to infiltrate our Country’s institutions. If China is trying to influence Congress by funding candidates for office, then did they also jump the shark and find a more direct, and sure way to accomplish the same means—election fraud?
An investigation into SEC filings revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government, less than a month before the election. The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.
“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” states the investigation, which also notes that “another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014. UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report reprinted by Summit News.
Other connections between Dominion Voting Systems and the Chinese government have also emerged in recent weeks, including the company’s Core Infrastructure Manager of Information Technology, Andy Huang, who previously worked for China Telecom, which is “wholly run by the Chinese government,” reported the National Pulse.
In response to the allegations, Dominion published a statement on its website, saying the company “is a non-partisan American company.”
“No foreign national directly or indirectly owns or controls the company,” the statement read. “Dominion and other voting system manufacturers submit extensive company disclosures to federal and state authorities as terms of product testing and system certification. The company has no ownership ties whatsoever to UBS, or the governments of China, Cuba, or Venezuela.”
Shortly after the election on Nov. 3, Staple Street Capital’s website underwent a full transformation. All information about the company’s founders and investment portfolios were deleted, including its relationship with Dominion. That provided Dominion the ability to play cute and deny all things prior.
A report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies listed hundreds of publicly reported instances of Chinese espionage directed at the U.S. since 2000. Sixty-one percent of the actors were Chinese military or government employees. Fourteen percent sought to acquire information on U.S. civilian agencies or politicians, according to the report.
Three-quarters of the cases occurred in the last 10 years. A number of scientists and academics involved in some of these incidents have been slapped with espionage charges for allegedly carrying out or attempting to carry out the collection of sensitive materials thefts on behalf of Beijing.
In July of this year, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated, “The greatest long-term threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property, and to our economic vitality, is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China.” Among the targets Wray specified for such operations were “policymakers,” who he said were sometimes subject to “indirect, covert, deceptive influence efforts.”
Has China also been targeting the players involved in America’s election infrastructures?
Congress has been screaming bloody murder about Dominion and other voting systems companies for years. A parade of expert witnesses from academia and cyber security professions have warned about the vulnerability of Dominion’s voting machines to hacking. Princeton’s Professor of Computer Science, Dr. Andrew Appel demonstrated how easy it was to hack a voting machine and corrupt vote tallies in a span of seven minutes.
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren [D-California] has been the champion of fighting foreign interference in America’s elections. In an address in June of 2019, Lofgren reported that foreign actors used our voting systems to already corrupt election results. Then, it was suspected Russian interference in the 2016 elections.
“We know that all 50 states were targeted in this attack. In Illinois, the Mueller Report confirmed that the Illinois Board of Elections’ network was hacked. In Arizona, malware was installed in the state elections websites. Voters in Georgia and Texas saw electronic voting machines deleting votes and switching them to other candidates.
“We should all be able to agree to protect our democracy, and with a sense of urgency. Nothing less than our National security is at stake,” stated Lofgren. She has been backed up and supported by members of Congress and the Senate from both sides of the aisle.
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney [D-NY] focused on the Smartmatic software used by Dominion. “Smartmatic software and machines developed in Venezuela…raises questions as to whether the software was susceptible to manipulation by its creators.”
Maloney’s questions were answered years later, by a former Venezuelan Army Officer, now residing in the United States; and a cyber-security expert witness in a Michigan election fraud lawsuit, who conducted a forensic audit of Dominion machines ordered by a federal district court.
The Venezuelan Army Officer, swore an oath to his testimony. He was at the table when Hugo Chavez directed the formation of the Smartmatic software. He explained the linkage to Dominion Voting Systems, “Smartmatic software is in the DNA of every vote tabulating company’s software and system.
“Chavez was insistent that Smartmatic design the system in a way that the system could change the vote of each voter without being detected. …I closely observed several elections where the results were manipulated using Smartmatic software. …The software itself configures the vote and voting result—changing the selection made by the voter.”
A forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems, ordered by a federal district court for Antrim County, Michigan, determined that they were designed to create fraud and influence election results, a data firm said Monday. “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, said in a preliminary report.
“The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified,” he added.
So why has Congress been stymied in reigning in Dominion and pressing for reforms?
As a former State Assemblyman, I can tell you point blank why can’t miss, sensible legislation with bipartisan support never advances—money and lobbyists. When Dominion decided to target the United States election systems, they employed plenty of window dressing—needing to rid themselves of the stench of Chavez’s corruption. That is when the money and lobby power were put to use.
In attempting to establish an heir of legitimacy, the trio of companies began remaking themselves, all the time trying to keep their affiliations with each other in the shadows. The strategy would be beneficial—if one company landed a State contract, all benefitted. The relationship is also beneficial in assisting the companies to avoid pay to play restrictions—helping them grease the skids through the award of no-bid contracts from political actors that their political contributions benefitted. One firm donates, the other firm gets the contract—in the end, everyone shares in the profits.
So, the companies revamped their Boards of Directors and CEO’s. Putting forth the faces that belied their corrupt beginning under Chavez. One of the dupes used as window-dressing was a former Coast Guard Admiral, Peter Neffenger—the CEO and current President of Smartmatic. Neffenger is also a transition team member for Joe Biden.
With the Admiral and other new faces aboard, it was time for the election systems cabal to set sail for America.
When it came to lobby power, Dominion was quick to hire former Chief of Staff to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, as a lobbyist. That move paid big dividends—congressional attempts to cleanup fraud in U.S. elections, by reforming voting machine systems, has never advanced. You can rest assured that the Queen of Ice Cream, Pelosi, is somehow weighing in. For what? As the saying goes, “only her hairdresser knows.”
The outlandish November 2020 election fraud, witnessed on video tape evidence and described in hundreds of affidavits by a spectrum of credible witnesses, has put Dominion and friends under scrutiny again. Civil fraud Attorney’s Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are calling the conduct “corrupt.”
Two of Powell’s and Wood’s targets are Governor Brian Kemp [R-Georgia] and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger [R-Georgia]. Wood and Powell allege that the duo benefitted themselves and/or their families, personally, by awarding Dominion a $100M contract in the Peach State. The esteemed lawyers claim the policy was influenced by China money.
Because of the Antrim County, Michigan controversy, Dominion CEO Poulos was forced to answer questions this week—before a State Senate Committee. Dominion’s day of reckoning. Poulos denied every allegation of the more than two hundred witnesses who attested to election fraud. He ridiculed the reports and affidavits of cyber security experts and Army Intelligence Officers. He denied the documentation in the SEC filing linking a $400M infusion of monies from China sources.
Poulos said that Dominion voting machines “aren’t meant” to do the things that hundreds of eyewitness and expert witnesses allege.
Poulos reiterated several of Dominion’s positions: The company’s voting systems are not tied into the internet. If their machines were hacked, they would have known. Dominion doesn’t run the election; they merely provide the machines for tabulating the votes. Any fraud, Poulos alluded, would have to be at the hands of the government officials running the election. Such fraud could be detected by hand counting the ballots. Voter verification, he insists, is in the hands of government election officials.
Phil Waldron, an online security expert and retired Army colonel, told lawmakers in Michigan earlier this month that the Dominion operator’s manual for poll workers includes an entire page that shows “how and when to connect and what selectors to connect to servers and to routers, so it is connected to the Internet.”
“They are connected to the Internet,” he testified to legislators during a public hearing in Arizona last month.
A Dominion contractor and a poll challenger said that voting machines at the TCF Center in Detroit, used in the November 3rd election, were connected to the Internet. Melissa Carone, the contractor, said she was given a binder that included information about how “the machines were connected to the Wi-Fi.”
Patrick Colbeck, a former state senator who served as a poll challenger, said, “All the tabulator computers were connected via Ethernet cables to a network router. And that router, in turn, was connected to another router that was connected to the adjudicators. Those were connected to another router/firewall which was connected to the Internet, which was connected to the local data center.”
In response to foreign interference allegations, Dominion published a statement on its website, simply saying that the company “is a non-partisan American company.”
“No foreign national directly or indirectly owns or controls the company,” the statement read. “Dominion and other voting system manufacturers submit extensive company disclosures to federal and state authorities as terms of product testing and system certification. The company has no ownership ties whatsoever to UBS, or the governments of China, Cuba, or Venezuela.”
Shortly after the election on Nov. 3, 2020., Staple Street Capital’s website underwent a full transformation. All information about the company’s founders and investment portfolios were deleted, including its relationship with Dominion. No explanation for the deletions has been forthcoming.
To CEO Poulos’ further chagrin, as he prepared his testimony for Michigan legislators, Military Intelligence electronic intelligence analysts were attesting, in a new affidavit, that forensic cyber evidence documents that “Dominion systems were connected to foreign systems around the globe” on election night. The testimonies were filed with the Supreme Court on December 13, 2020 as part of an Extraordinary Writ of Mandamus to further demonstrate foreign interference in the November Presidential election.
Additionally, the affidavits detail “evidence demonstrating that Sequoia Capital seeded or funded Dominion Voting Systems and HSBC Toronto acquired from Dominion Voting Systems eighteen patents representing intellectual property of Dominion Voting Systems. These patents all pertain to direct interfaces with the U.S. election process by means of ballots, systems, and machines.” The affidavit further reveals that “a Toronto-based Chinese bank (HSBC) secures the intellectual patents pertaining to direct access to the U.S. election systems and 3 equipment from Dominion Voting Systems.”
Whoops! Better bring back Mr. Steele.
Besides influencing our Country’s election infrastructure and financing candidates for United States political offices, China is using money to influence our elections in other ways—manufactured public opinion. China money is also at play in our social media and mainstream news media.
The billionaire owners of high-tech industries are being wooed to make billions more in China. CCP policy is to exploit that opportunity. Many of the social media sites have hired CCP fact checkers and implement virtually the same tactic that the Communist country imposes on its people—controlling the information they are allowed to receive.
Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions on election GOTV that violated election laws and undermined the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), according to a report issued by the Amistad Project. He employs CCP tactics to fact check and censor postings on Facebook.
The ownerships of many American media outlets are engaging in business ventures with China, most involve businesses that are tied to State partnership and CCP influence. The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC & NBC, ABC & ESPN, and Bloomberg have all jumped into bed with China businesses. [Fodder for more exploration in an upcoming column.]
American media outlets are now employing the tactics of the CCP controlled media in China—create the news and censor what you don’t what the masses to know. The Hunter Biden scandal, COVID-19 reporting, and fraud uncovered in the 2020 election are all news stories being shaped and censored by various American mainstream news establishments. Helping to mold the thoughts of the American people.
Dominion can rest easy. As long as China, through its minions, can keep the American people divided, Dominion can continue to provide the means to rig our Country’s elections. We have selections, not elections. The selectors, using the media to gin up hate for candidates they oppose and seek to take down, prey on the Country’s disunity—keeping the haters from wanting honest elections, so long as their candidate was the one selected to win.
Yet, it was so easy to disprove the fraud alleged in this year’s Presidential election: Consent to a forensic audits of election machines. Conduct an outer envelope audit for mail-in ballots tabulated. The response to anyone who has the nerve to request these two reasonable failsafe checks is to accuse them of being a conspiracy theorist.
The fact that government election overseers don’t dare allow the audits, speaks volumes about what might be uncovered. We have already seen what happened when a Court ordered an audit of Dominion machines in Michigan. We have already seen the videotape evidence of election fraud conducted by government election workers in Georgia’s Staples Center.
But you are told not to believe your eyes, only what the China-bought mainstream news media tells you to believe.
Now you know why election officials will not dispel the accusations of fraud by letting in the sunshine. Truth is not their ally.
Dominion over all.
Louis Manzo is a Former New Jersey State Assemblyman who sat on the Assembly Health, Economic Development, and Environmental committees. Former Hudson County Freeholder. Former Chief of Jersey City’s Health Division & Director of the Hudson County Division of Environmental and Public Health.
Traditionally published American author. Published works include the bio, Ruthless Ambition: The Rise and Fall of Chris Christie ; and the novel, An Irish Lullaby. On occasion, a content contributor to various news and sports blogs. Regular guest on Connecticut morning radio talk show, The Phil Mikan Show [WLIS 1420 AM & WMRD 1150 AM].
One Comment
Another excellent,concise and exhaustively researched column. Thank you Louis.